Each day there will be 3 service stations. The locations are indicated on your daily Ride Plan sticker. Each service station will offer bars, gels and isotonic drinks by 226ers as well as snacks provided by SPAR.

226ers | Race Nutrition

SPAR | Snacks & Drinks

  • Watermelon
  • Oranges
  • Bananas
  • Dried Apricots
  • Dates
  • Chiefs Crispy Cookie
  • Apple
  • Coconut
  • Potato
  • Mini Pic
  • Cheese
  • Pretzel Sticks
  • Water
  • Cola
  • Hot Bouillon
  • Biberli
  • Caramel Wafer
  • Fruitgums Cherry
  • Fruitgums Saure Staberl


There are some reusable cups available at registration.
We are happy to hand one to you to use at the Service Stations.

Additional Services

At one Service Station per stage (announced during daily rider briefings) , USWE will provide a water refilling service for your hydration pack.

Our tech partner offers their technical expertise free of charge, but you will need to pay for any spare parts at the Service Station. Please carry your credit card with you in case you require assistance.

A first-aid service is available at all Service Stations. In addition, the medical team is strategically placed along the route and deployed for any emergencies.

Toilets will be available at all Service Stations.


You will pass several fountains along the way. You can fill up your water bottles at these fountains, in addition to the Service Stations.

Please note: ‘Kein Trinkwasser’ translates to ‘no drinking water’. This is almost never the case but keep an eye out when refilling at the fountain.


Littering is strictly prohibited.

You may throw away items only at the Service Stations between the designated signage.

Violations may result in disqualification.