  • GEES
  • Sleeping bag & Pillow
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Headlight
  • Earplugs
  • Beanie and scarf & gloves for evenings
  • Warm long pants
  • Casual clothes
  • Slops
  • Wellington Boots
  • Sun block
  • Washing powder
  • A lock for your tent
  • Helmet, gloves, cycling shoes
  • 3 sets of cycling shorts, tops, socks
  • Wind breaker and / or rain jacket
  • Sun glasses
  • Hydration pack with space for spares – a capacity of 3 litres.
  • GPS /Heart rate monitor, bike computer (optional) + Chargers
  • Slime/Stan’s, bomb and adaptor, plugs etc,
  • Gators, pump, brake pads, drop out, chain, links, pins,
  • Cable ties, duct tape
  • Chain lube (Squirt)
  • Spare brake pads


MySOS is the recommended emergency app, and we require all riders download the app for the event.