It is important that every Andorra Epic rider fully understands the rules. We encourage all riders to carefully read through these before starting their training, refer back to them during training and have a last read-through before rolling up to the start line. Ignorance of the rules will not be considered as a mitigating factor.

  • It is compulsory for both riders of the same team to wear identical cycling kit (Rule 6.4). Rain jackets (etc.) do not need to be identical.  ​
  • Riders of the same team need to be within 2 minutes of each other at all times (Rule 8).  
  • Maximum Stage Times are determined according to the length of each stage and the terrain to be covered (Rule 15.1).
  • The Race Director may designate intermediate cut-off points which must be reached by specific times on each stage. Teams will be removed from the course should they not reach a cut-off point by the specified time (Rule 15.4).
  • A rider that does not finish a stage in the maximum stage time is allowed to start the next stage but will not be an official finisher (Rule 16).  
  • If a team member does not finish a stage within the maximum stage time, but the other team member does, the latter can still become an official finisher (Rule 16)
  • A rider is not allowed to receive any outside assistance from supporters (Rule 23).  ​
  • Please visit the Race Office if you are withdrawing from the race (Rule 24).  ​
  • Riders are not allowed to litter or harm the environment in any way (Rule 25.2).  

Riders at the Andorra Epic need to be respectful of both their fellow riders as well as the environment. Please take note of the following rules regarding the route: 

  • Rules of the road need to be adhered to at all times.
  • In Andorra, cars drive on the right side of the road.
  • As there are no road and / or trail closures, please note that the road needs to be shared with motorists, pedestrians, and animals.
  • Reduce speed when riding through towns and keep an eye on pedestrians and animals that may cross your path.
  • Do not cut corners (oncoming traffic!).
  • Follow signage instructions as well as verbal instructions from marshals.
  • Give riders faster than you a chance to overtake.
  • Warn riders if you are overtaking.



Tracking Unit: Please return your tracking device to the Race Office. If the tracking unit is not returned, riders will be charged EUR 130.- per device.

Transport: The Race Office can assist you with your personal and bike transport requirements. Do not leave your bike in the Bike Park without making prior arrangements at the Race Office. The organization will take no responsibility for lost or damaged bikes. Please ensure that your bike sticker remains on your bike throughout the period if it remains in the Bike Park.