Welcome to the 4Islands MTB Croatia!

What lies ahead is a mountain bike stage race like no other as you race your way across four incredible islands surrounded by the blue Adriatic Sea. You’ll see, smell, hear, and experience Croatia in a way that is reserved for few.

We want to thank you for placing your trust in us and we wish you well on this adventure that showcases exactly why Croatia is known as The Jewel of the Adriatic.

This Rider Manual contains all the important information that you will need for race week. Please make sure you go through it in detail and familiarise yourself with the route, the schedules, what’s what, and what’s where. Also make sure you download the Epic Series App from the App Store or Google Play Store where you will find the daily rider briefings as well as your results.

If you require any additional information, please feel free to reach out to our Race Office via email, sms +385 99 63 78 204, or visit the Rider Services team in person during the event.

We are excited to welcome you to Croatia and challenge you to Conquer the Rocks, making lifelong memories!



#4islands #4islandsmtb #conquertherocks #croatiafulloflife
#epicseries #racetheworld
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